Being the 4th July it seemed like the perfect day to find the perfect flag pole for my American Flag. I have had a piece of fabric with the US flag on it for a number of years knowing that one day I would have THE perfect use for it. This week that 'use' became blindingly clear. I have signed up with Judith for the Town Square Shops. This is a series of 12 American shops in 48th scale designed by Debbie Young, they come one a month, or in my case one every other month! Before signing up my first consideration was where would I put them. I decided that a shelf was the best option - maybe even landscaped at a later date. Then I found the best shelf for the job and my wonderful husband hung it on the wall for me - so then it just needed a flag, and you can't have a flag without a flag pole! Being me it could just be a piece of dowel it needed to be 'just the right stick' ! So the hunt was on........
We are very lucky that we live so close to such gorgeous countryside and knew just the right spot of woodland to find Holy Grail of sticks.

It was by no means an easy task, we had to brave all sorts of hazards and obstacles...
killer ants......
bridges that quite clearly had trolls living underneath...
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