Today I have finished off the dining room furniture for my Baby House and also built the lounge furniture. They are all kits from SDK miniatures. The lounge came with the Baby House kit, the dining room I bought separately all from In Some Small Way.
I decided that I needed six chairs for the dining room - I wanted it to feel full and rich.

The clock kit also came with the Baby House set to go on the landing but I decided that it would look really good in the dining room.

The cabinet has now been painted white and I have filled it with all sorts of precious glass ware, otherwise known as beads!

Here it is with the doors on.

The dining room furniture is finished.

Here it is inside the cabinet. The mirror over the fireplace also came with the baby house kit.

Whilst I was on a roll I went on to start and surprisingly finish the lounge furniture. I had left these kits until the end as they looked like they would be tricky, but they turned out to be fine, the only fiddly bit is adding the arms to the sofa and the chair. But I got there in the end.
Here is the coffee table.

The Fainting Couch.

The chair and the bench.

The sofa.

Here is all the lounge furniture together.

Here it is in the cabinet, again I have added a mirror over the fireplace that came with the kit.

The two new rooms finished in the cabinet.

All the rooms as they are now and the stairs are in.

And next to a ruler for scale!

Now on with all the little extras, like the house plants!
It looks lovely! I really like the 'glassware' cabinet with all the precious contents! I really like the lounge furniture too, the seats look really soft & cosy. Nice one missus! :D
Joey x
Beautiful! The blue is lovely, so soft and pretty. The little cottage is utterly adorable, you've done an amazing job.
Estas haciendo un trabajo increible!!!
Me encanta el color azul.
Tu gabinete esta quedando maravilloso!!
besitos ascension
Thank you so much Joey and Liesl! I am glad that yuo have enjoyed looking :-)
hugs to both of you
Claire x
Muchas gracias por sus comentarios encantadora. Me alegro de que haya disfrutado viéndola.
Claire x
PS Hooray for google translate!
Claire, it is absolutely beautiful! So delicate and pretty. The colours are just lovely and you have done a fantastic job of putting the furniture together - really neat and well finished. Congratulations on a wonderful cabinet house. Hugs, Sandra (Snippets from my studio)
This is amazing, claire! I am so impressed. xo lenna
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