Here is their official leaflet so that you can see what they are about.

It is a wonderful scheme to support people who want to take their enthusiasm and crafts into their local school. I love spending time at the village primary school and as you all know I love crafting so what could be more perfect?
During the course of the day we learnt so much about setting up a craft club in a school but also practical skills to take with us and teach to the children. The first roll out of this scheme is mainly knitting based - something I have very little experience with but by the end of the day - thanks to the incredible patience of Christine who was sat next to me I was up and knitting and very proud of myself!
The premises and catering was all done by the W.I. and I have to say Boy those ladies can bake!
Geraldine Curtis from the UK Hand Knitting Association emailed the following photos to me that she had taken on the day for me to put on my blog.

I am extremely proud of my leaf! we all then tied them onto our 'tree' at the front. By the end of the day there was a beautifully decorated tree.

We also learnt lots of things to do with the children, my favourite being finger knitting. This is very similar to french knitting which I remember doing on a cotton reel with 4 nails in it as a child but it is done on four fingers. It is so much fun and I cannot wait to get all our village children finger knitting and who know where else it will lead!
For more detailed information about this scheme feel free to contact me or visit the Craft Club website.
It isn't just about knitting though it is about generally sharing the wonderful experience of being creative with the children. I shall keep you posted as to what we create!
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