Sunday, 26 September 2010

The First Frost

I woke yesterday believe it or not to the first frost! Autumn is most definitely here. The temperatures have noticeably dropped and we have lit the fire. It put me in the mood for finishing Frostys Snowman Shop. There was lots of shelves to be stocked and labels to be added and of course a light dusting of snow!

Here's a peek through the glass in the door!

And another through the side window.

Even a really sneaky peek through the glass roof!

So here it is completely finished.

Shall we go in.....

I love the little bench - the artwork and fabric are just gorgeous.

Of course there needs to be mirrors a snowman needs to see how well that top hat fits!

The most wonderful thing about kits by the Betterleys are the little extras!

I used the little artwork snowmen and added them to some of the left over papers and popped them into the little wooden frames - add some glamour dust and hey presto - frosty paintings!

Alterations service available - maybe that scarf is just a bit too long!
I love the little facials tray!

And finally the whole scene all together.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Cupboardy House

If you remember way back in September last year my friend Joey gave me an old thimble display shelf.
I immediately saw the potential and ripped out the shelves to change it to 144th scale.

Here is the new interior and the whole cupboard painted in undercoat. I cut out the holes for the stairs on each landing. I wanted the two sets of stairs to go in different ways to make it more interesting.

There were slots at the side of the cupboard where I had taken out the original shelves so I cut tiny slithers of wood and filled them.

I then got some roofing and brick paper from Judith at 'In Some Small Way'. I used this for the roof and for the sides of the cupboard

The brick paper also made the exterior of the house on the lower shelf which is going to be the street scene. I used 144th scale windows and a door again from Judith. The wallpapers throughout are from Jennifer's Printables which I then shrunk.
This is the street scene so far, I will be adding some pot plants and other bits.

This is the interior of the cupboardy house. I used all Arts and Crafts style papers as I wanted to create a busy interesting feel.

The top area of the cupboard is going to be the garden. So far I have painted a rough blue area that will become the sky and done a rough grass base to build up from. I will have great fun landscaping this, loads of room for pergolas, swings, maybe even a greenhouse!

Here is the cupboardy house as it now stands!

And I know I always forget to put something in the photograph for scale so here is an AA battery in front of the door to give you an idea of scale.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Craft Club

Last Thursday I went on a Craft Club training day in Derby and had so much fun it was great.
Here is their official leaflet so that you can see what they are about.

It is a wonderful scheme to support people who want to take their enthusiasm and crafts into their local school. I love spending time at the village primary school and as you all know I love crafting so what could be more perfect?

During the course of the day we learnt so much about setting up a craft club in a school but also practical skills to take with us and teach to the children. The first roll out of this scheme is mainly knitting based - something I have very little experience with but by the end of the day - thanks to the incredible patience of Christine who was sat next to me I was up and knitting and very proud of myself!

The premises and catering was all done by the W.I. and I have to say Boy those ladies can bake!

Geraldine Curtis from the UK Hand Knitting Association emailed the following photos to me that she had taken on the day for me to put on my blog.

We were all given a knitting pattern and some wool so that we could knit leaves as we listened. By the third attempt I had finally got there.
I am extremely proud of my leaf! we all then tied them onto our 'tree' at the front. By the end of the day there was a beautifully decorated tree.
I am so adamant that I won't lose my new found skill that I am still knitting leaves at home!

We also learnt lots of things to do with the children, my favourite being finger knitting. This is very similar to french knitting which I remember doing on a cotton reel with 4 nails in it as a child but it is done on four fingers. It is so much fun and I cannot wait to get all our village children finger knitting and who know where else it will lead!
For more detailed information about this scheme feel free to contact me or visit the Craft Club website.
It isn't just about knitting though it is about generally sharing the wonderful experience of being creative with the children. I shall keep you posted as to what we create!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Alice in Wonderland Room

Back in March of this year I built a small clock with two rooms in that light up. It was the souvenir kit from the Micro Mini Convention. I have slowly been planning what to put in the room boxes and finally decided upon an Alice in Wonderland theme. The first room is the hallway that she lands in after falling down the rabbit hole. With large doors and then one small door. On the glass table is a bottle with a label saying drink me.

Here is the empty room box.

A bit of wallpaper and some larger scale floor paper and its a room.

I cut up a 48th scale door to make two bottom halves for the larger doors. The small door is 144th scale.

I then used a 48th scale glass table kit from Karen Carys Miniatures. The bottle is also 48th scale.
I added a drink me label (easier said than done!!!)

Then I slotted the room box back into the clock, and switched on the lights.

A close up of the room with the lights on.

The 2nd room to go underneath I am thinking will be the white rabbits house and an over sized Alice - some more planning is needed for that one!

Saturday, 4 September 2010

French Flower and Gift Shop

I bought the entire French Row in 144th scale from Judith at In Some Small Way last Christmas because I loved it so very much. As I have said before it has taken me quite sometime to pluck up the courage to start it. I have begun with the Flower and Gift Shop 'Fleurs Cadeaux' as it is the smallest and easiest of the structures. I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed doing this little kit and am barely containing myself to not jump straight into the next one. Everything is just so very perfect and goes together so beautifully. The little shingles paper is absolutely darling and the interior wallpaper is so incredibly pretty that I wallpapered the ceiling too! The original four buildings are done in varying sienna/dusky pink shades and stained woodwork, but for sometime I have been really taken with the yellow and blues shades that you see together in France so I was inspired to go with that colour scheme and have to say I am really pleased with it. Anyway roll on the photographs!

Here is the little shop on its own from the front.

Then round to the side.

And a peek into the insides. I wanted the front door to look like it was glass so I popped out the middles of both the inside and outside door pieces. Lots of beautiful vases and pots for sale on the shelves. I also changed the floor paper to the black and white tile that I am so fond of.
I then built the flower shelves and decided to paint them black in the pretence that they are very old and possibly cast iron!
The counter I painted white. The wall planters are up on the walls and full of plants.
Here is the flower shelf full of flowers in pots of water ready to buy.
As I always seem to forget to add something for scale I popped my ring off and placed it next to the stand so you can see.

Again for scale here is the shop counter on an English ten pence piece. There is a little till, a few pots and of course pretty paper for wrapping around the bunches of flowers.

Here is the shop full of flowers and plants. Seeing as its going to be such a lovely day I have put some flower pots out onto the back pavement too.
The finished counter and till in the shop.
I thought a nice comfy cushion was needed on the rocking chair.
Flowers of all sorts of sizes and colours are for sale.
Now for the outside. There is a lovely old creeper growing up the left hand wall, and of course more flowers for sale outside the front on the pavement.
I love peeping in through the window and seeing a glimpse of the black and white floor.

There are three unpainted gaps on the pavement (which I haven't shown you) that are waiting for the other three buildings. So at some point I will be adding the bakers, the cafe and the Bed and Breakfast to the street and of course some trees.