Sunday, 14 October 2012

New Knitting Book

I came downstairs yesterday morning to this piece of cheery post on the chair! I knew straight away it was my new knitting book from The Wool Sanctuary. Just the envelope made me smile HUGELY! I am not usually an orange kind of person but recently, whether it is because Autumn is upon us and it is reminiscent of the leaves on the trees or because the days have been so dark and dreary, I am being drawn to bright colours to make me smile (wait until you see the lap quilt I have been working on this week!).

I am a total packaging sucker and if something is packaged beautifully then it just adds to the whole experience. So I made a cup of coffee and settled down with my cheery envelope (and of course my camera!) and began the much anticipated process of opening. Inside the book was wrapped perfectly in orange tissue paper, it felt like my birthday and Christmas in one.

Much to my sons annoyance I did not just instantly rip off the paper, I just loved the perfectness of the package for a bit whilst sipping my coffee.

Then slowly tiny bit by tiny bit I peeled the tissue paper back savouring the moment.........

The feel of the paper that the book is printed on is wonderful and of course the size of the book is so neat and compact (as the Author says the right size to fit in your knitting bag) I knew I would love it before I had even seen the inside.

Here it is in all its amazing glory!

Janet Smith Can't Knit by Suzie Johnson. I bought it from The Wool Sanctuary which is Suzies own shop and I really HAVE to gush about this book because it is truly lovely. I want to knit absolutely everything in it. Even if I did not knit (heaven forbid!!!) I would want this book just because it is beautiful to look at. The photography is fabulous. The projects are all knitted in Rowan wools, and who doesn't like Rowan wools I ask. So I cannot wait to get to work and buy the wool for my first project, oh which to choose.......

So my task this week is to finish up a few of the knitting things I have on the go (obviously not ALL of them because that would be ridiculous but a few....) so that when I get to the wool shop I am ready to roll. So I am so sorry that Janet Smith is unable to knit but I sure am glad that I can!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I have a scarf that I keep meaning to get back sister, who is a very talented knitter, gave me the knitting wool (gorgeous purple dyed merino wool) and bamboo knitting needles, a couple of years ago!
I have neglected it for some time, but have been working away at it recently so I can learn to knit in miniature!
Knitting in regular scale is quite soothing I find, I just forgot about that project....Enjoy your book, it looks great!