Saturday, 5 December 2009

Fairs and Fairy Houses!

The fair went as well as to be expected considering the torrential rain that we had last weekend. But there are still a few goodies to be had.

A couple of things will be available in my etsy shop over the next week or click on the shop link to the left.
Here are a couple of snap shots of the boats on the day with their oh so cute inhabitants by Joeys Dream Garden. In my last post I only had photos of the boats so here are the finished items!

Owl and Pussycat in a beautiful Pea Green boat!

Have you ever seen such a nautical fox?

I have spent a bit of time this week making the furniture for the 144th scale garden room. I shall have some more photos of the finished item in the next few days but here is a taster. The photo below is the armoire kit by SDK miniatures that I bought from . I have to say it has been one of my favourite kits so far, for such a tiny little thing it has so much potential to be so many different pieces of furniture - all of them beautiful and amazingly sturdy for such a small scale. I shall absolutely, definitely be getting some more of the same kit so that I can try it out in lots of different settings and finishing it in lots of different ways!
The coin peeping out is a penny!!! There is still work to be done on this piece, as the back needs to go on and so does the door, which will have an oval shaped opening so that you can still see all that expensive glassware!


Joey's Dream Garden said...

Hiya Claire!
Nice one on listing your fairy house, the pictures just don't do it justice though!

that tiny tiny cabinet is adorable! Not much good for storing all my beads in though I'm afraid... ;-)

Joey xxx

l said...

Great stall Claire and Joey!! Wow - you've worked so hard. Would have loved to be there!