Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Kedleston Hall

Sunday was a trip to Kedleston Hall, a National Trust Property in Derbyshire. As soon as we drove into the grounds I loved it. The Hall itself is so impressive both from the front and the back. When you get inside and go up the floating staircase the hall is truly breath taking.
The Front

The Back

In this view of the back you can see the domed roof.

This was the beautiful view out of the front windows of the house. I would never get bored of looking at this.

My favourite exhibit in the museum was the dress worn by Lady Curzon in this portrait. It is called the Peacock Dress because when you look closely the design on the fabric is a peacock feather.

Here is the dress in all its glory. 

Here it explains that the amazing green circles sewn on for the 'eye'of the peacock design are real beetle wings. After all this time they still retain the amazing green colouring. Absolutely stunning. It is such a shame that the lighting in the museum was not good enough to take a true photo.

The back of the dress is equally beautiful.

I took so many photographs of the interior of the house that I just could not decide which to put on the blog but then I decided that I would leave the interior for folk to see for real that way you can have that first moment when you walk into the hall without any idea of what is coming. just as I did.

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