The rules were as follows:
~ Make 8 tags (9 if you want one in your own book)
~ Any size tag with a hole
~ Colour your tags anyway you please but there must be a single dominant colour.
~ Any theme is OK
~ You must include a single word, a favourite quote, a song lyric or a line of a poem on each tag.
You then receive back a book a tags from other folk with a cover made by Lenna herself - that in itself is worth entering for!
I decided that my theme would be moonlight and therefore my dominant colour is 'moonshine' !!! The words I included were 'Sprinkle Moondust. Spread Magic.' which is one of my favourite rubber stamps.
I have used various shades of cream acrylic paint and then sprayed through stencils some of feathers and some with an abstract pattern with a pearlescent walnut ink. I then stamped onto tissue paper and glued that on. Finishing off with tying some sparkly netting through the tag hole.

Why don't you go and look at the other tags they appear on Lennas swap page as they arrive in her hands.
Fantastic! They look lovely! Nice one missus! I love how you've done the wording, you need to show me how you've done it!
Joey xxx
PS Tiger on embroidery NEARLY finished... then onto the flowers! :D No rest for the wicked...
Thank you Joey :-)
The technique of stamping onto tissue paper and then glueing on is one that Lenna taught me in one of her wonderful online classes.
I cannot wait to see your embroidery - I hope it will be on your blog soon!
Claire x
I love all the different shades of moondust on your tags, Claire. These look great! I will let you know when they reach me safely. I am so glad you participated! xo lenna
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